Hearing Loss Symptoms

Hearing evaluation   audiology

Hearing Loss Develops Slowly
6 Early Signs of Hearing Loss

The signs of hearing loss may develop slowly over time and may be difficult to notice. Being aware of the early signs of hearing loss can help you to be proactive in taking the necessary steps to improve your hearing.

1. You have difficulty following conversations.
Do you have trouble understanding what others are saying? This can be an early sign of hearing loss.

2. Phone conversations are unclear.
When you’re on the phone, do you have to continually ask the other person to repeat themselves? This can be frustrating for both people and a sign to get your hearing checked.

3. People seem to be mumbling.
There might be times when people are speaking normally, but you think they’re mumbling. If it seems like everyone you speak to mumbles, then this could be another sign of hearing loss.

4. Difficulty locating sounds and noises.
Another initial sign of hearing loss occurs when you have trouble pinpointing where certain noises are coming from. If you’re in a crowd, you also might have trouble determining who is speaking to you.

5. Tinnitus or ringing in your ears.
While tinnitus may not be a sign of hearing loss, these two often go hand in hand especially if there was noise damage involved. If you have any ongoing ringing in your ears, be sure to visit a hearing professional.

6. Turning up the TV or radio too loud.
You might think the volume is fine when watching TV or listening to music. However, if others tell you that the volume is too high, then you might have a hearing issue.

Hearing Loss Can Happen to Anyone at Any Age
Are You Experiencing Signs of Hearing Loss?

If you are dealing with one or more of these initial signs and symptoms, then you could have hearing loss. Keep in mind that you’re not alone. Hearing loss tends to occur gradually, and it can be difficult to notice when your hearing begins to decline. In the majority of cases, friends and family may notice it before you do.

The first step you should take is to visit an audiology clinic and get your hearing evaluated. We invite you to schedule an appointment with [Business Name] where we will evaluate your hearing and let you know your options based on the results.
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